
こんにちわー! こんばんわー! サワディーカープ!(タイ語笑) よっしーです!! 明日5時起きなのですが、 全く寝れないのでブログを更新したいと思います! 私、よっしー。 19歳。彼女いない歴2年… 冬になり人肌が恋しくなる時期… どうしたものか… このブロ…


おはようございます!! こんにちわ!!! こんばんわ!! よっしーです!!!お久しぶりです! いえーい!10月に入りましたね! 10月のメトロパス(定期)と一緒にその建物と写真を撮ってみました! どうですか?イケテマセンカ?(笑)(笑) そして、 10月に…

【Japanese town in Toronto/DAY209】

Hello!!Everyone!!! I would like to tell great news for fan of Japan!! Finally, I went to J-town(Japanese town)in Toronto!! I have ever heard that for many times but I have never been there so I was excited about that. Actually,it's not tow…

【ローカルカフェの仕事はどうやってゲットするの?in Canada】

こんにちわー!こんばんわー!おはようー!おつかれさまー! よっしーです! 今日は、最近、よく聞かれるようになった。 『どうやってローカルカフェの仕事をゲットしたの?』 について詳しく話したいと思います!! ワーホリで海外に来て働きたい職種上位に…

【Second Cup Life〜DAY198〜】

Hello!How's it going?? I would like to talk to my second cup's life!! Let's begin!! Now,I'm working at Second cup as a barista. (This picture is the evidence of working at Second cup!!) I'm working as a barista so you know that I have to d…


お久しぶりです! みなさん。 忙しくはないですが、 考え事が多くてブログが書けませんでした。(↑言い訳(笑)) しかし、今日は書こうと思います!! 最近、何をしているのかというと… はい。バイト三昧ですね笑笑 実は自分は、大のバイト嫌いなんですよね笑 …


カナダに来てつい先日7か月目に突入しました!! (↑ヒトリタビからの車窓) 語学学校も卒業し、 今月は親がカナダに来たり友達がトロントに来たり、 何かとトロントを日本語で案内する時が多かったです。 えとえと、この話はあんまり関係なくて...(笑) …

【ILACの「授業」について体験談をもとにガチで書いてみました。Internationaol Language of Canada in Toronto】

お久しぶりです。おはようございます。こんにちは。こんばんわ。おやすみなさい。 よっしーです。 今回は 私が半年間通った語学学校 ILAC(Internatinal Language Academy of Canada) についてガチで批評してみたいと思います。 (以前少しだけ書いたことがあ…


# International Language Academy of Canada I graduated at ILac today.I have studied there for almost 6months.I will must miss taking a class there and meeting my friends because I started to commute since end of the February. When I came t…


✳︎『カナダで就活の時に最も重要なのは?』 どんなに頭良い大学を出ていても、どんなにもたくさん資格を持っていても「経験」がなければ採用されにくい。 ✳︎『カナダで語学学校でクラスメイトで上手くやっていること。』 今、君たちがやっていることは就活の…


最近じわりと思う。トロントに来て良かったこと。今年ここに来ていなかったら今年トロントで会えてた人には会えていなかった。他の国籍の人の意見を直接聞くこともできなかった。 いろんな人の意見。いろんな国の人の意見。 みんな違ってみんないい。 日本で…

【Just do it at Second Cup /DAY140〜147】

I finished working now...kkk You know what I was working all weekends!! On Friday,Saturday and Sunday as well!!Sometimes, Customers say "If you're training,please do not make my coffee." It makes me sad...However, I think that I look like …

【Second Cup-English-/Day133-139】

Recently, I began to work at second cup!!! That is a local cafe in Canada!!!You know that I wanted to work that cafe when I arrived in Canada. Because I like cafe atmosphere and I have seen that barista talked to customer friendly in Secon…

【Second cup初日。/DAY126-132】

おはようございます。こんにちわ。こんばんわ。 よっーしです!!私はカナダに来てから、 日本語環境で働きたくなくて、 最初は 完全英語環境メキシカンレストランのディッシュウォッシャーをしていました。そこから2ヶ月後。 そろそろ英語を使ってカスタマ…

【Happy Canada Day!!/DAY121-125】

Sometimes I think that I want to go back my country. However,now I like Canadian people and culture as well!! I have passed 4months since I came here!! 『Q.Why did you come here?』『A.When I was Japan,I don't know what is the true or false…


I'm looking for new part-time job!! Firstly,I talked to barista at second cup.He said that Japanese person works at this cafe but her listening skill is not good. In addition,"You should come here morning and then,pass resume to a manager!…

【Happy incident:/DAY109〜119 】

Hello!!!!You know that I'm Yossi!!!!!!I arrived at home now!! Today,I talked a lot in English!!!!!!!Yessss!!!Because.... I taught new worker to how to work at restaurant. I was very surprised that he has been here for 4 years...kkkkk I hav…


Hello!!Long time no see!! I apologize that I didn't write blog...Recently, I'm actually busy but it isn't reason. I was thinking about future in Toronto.I mean what I can do in Toronto. Because I can't permanently stay there.Consequently, …

『Have passed 3months....DAY92〜97』

Hey!!Guys!! I'm Yossi!!You know what I have passed 3months since I came here! I thought that my mind is changeable because I can sometimes have homesick! However I would rather speak English with people form another country. This month,my …

『Japanese restaurant in Toronto//DAY89~91』

Today, I went to Japanese restaurant in Toronto for the first time since I came here!! Because I heard that some Japanese restaurants are expensive and not good quality.However, My Canadian friend told me where the good Japanese restaurant…

【I'm a Japanese(日本語あり)/DAY87&88】

(English) ✳︎I also wrote in Japanese,please look below!!Eventually, I arrived at home!!!!!!Because I was working at part-time job for 6PM to 12PM. I didn't know how to close the restaurant so I asked to a boss. He said that you had to move…

【I used gerund and infinitive as much as possible//DAY83~86】

I enjoyed spending the sunny long weekend. I will introduce you my fun weekend!!First, I went to POUTINE restaurant with classmates last Friday. Because that day was last term day! This is POUTINE which is canadian food.It was very delicio…

【Soccer game Volunteer//DAY81&82】

I joined the volunteer activity!!! I made Canadian friends and practiced my English,ate some pizzas!!! I watched the soccer game for free!!!!There was an extremely famous player in Canadian team! He is from Spain team! Unfortunately, I don…

【I have to stand at the moment//DAY78~80】

こっちに来て思うのは、 自分の英語力(立場)をわきまえないといけないって思ったね。 どういう意味かというと、 自分の英語力と自分が働きたい理想な職場がマッチしてない場合、、、 がっかりしてしまう。 例えば、自分の英語力がそれほど高くないのに、…

【What is the best way??//DAY75〜77】

Hey,Guys!! I live in Toronto. Canadian weather is changeable!Because it was 25 degree last Friday but it's 13degree today.Maybe ,there is not spring and falls.kkkk By the way,I'm thinking about part-time job What is the best way to practic…


Today, I learned future prefect!! This grammar makes me a little confused. Because it explains two different future things.For example, 『I will have gone to NewYork before I finish studying at an international language school.』Do you kno…


Hey!Guys!Recently, I'm looking for a part-time job!! You know It is too difficult! However, Because of talking with workers who work at my hope restaurant and caffe shops,I think my speaking skill is improved.So,today. When I chose lunch a…


よっしー遂にバイト始めました!! これは人生で初めてもらったチップです。 レジュメを毎日配る日々に疲れや精神がまいってきていました。 レジュメを配っても配ってもどこからも電話がかかってこないしメールも来ない。 「もう、どこでもいいから働かせて…

【The most important things for communication /DAY67&68】

(English) How do you think about what is the most important to communicate with another country person in English? I noticed it today. I met a Japanese girl at afternoon class. She is very funny girl. Because she really hate her job. She u…

【Love Korean foooood//DAY65&66】

I have been to Korean restaurant for 3 times in Koreantown because I like spicy food. When I said that I liked spicy food,most of people was very suprised. Because they thoght that Japanese people don't like it. But I love spicy foooooood!…